Monday 1 October 2018

12 tips for better time management

If you had thought college is all about fun, you are in for a surprise. College is a synonym for stress and anxiety. From attending classes to doing the homework – you need to learn how to manage time to cope with all the commitments. Time management can help your assignment be ready on time.
Here are 12 tips for better time management!

1. Back to back classes

Taking your classes back to back will help you save time, which in turn will help your assignments to be completed within time. You can also schedule your classes such that you have to go to college for only two or three days so that you get the rest of the days for studying.

2. Plan first

Making a schedule may take some time, but you have no idea how it will help you to manage your time better. Maintain a log with all the assignments that you have to do along with their deadlines and then build a plan around it. Keep track of the time you take to finish a home task so that you can plan the time span for your future assignments.

3. Choose between Day and Night

Some of you may be night owls who find it easy to concentrate in the night hours while many of you feel more active during the daytime. So determine your study hours and make a timetable accordingly. Do not try to do both as that might affect your health.

4. Do not procrastinate

Do not keep your home works pending for the last hour. Make sure that you do your assignments on time. Learn the daily lessons on the very day they were taught. If you think you are not able to handle all your home tasks, you can seek assignment help from sites.

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